What to do When Locked Out of the Apartment

It is very common to get locked out of your apartment. This is why the best approach is to keep yourself prepared for such a situation in order to deal with a lockout properly without any hassle. Some people get worried and try to break their locks and end up damaging their property. You must stay calm and think wisely to get out of the lockout situation quickly and without any damage to your apartment. Here are some things you can do if you're locked out of your apartment. Let us have a look at them one by one. 

1. Contact your Roommates

The best approach is to get help from your friends during a lockout if they live with you in a shared apartment. Although you will have to wait for them to get back, you can still relax knowing that the help is on the way. If you have misplaced your keys, you can look for them in the car or can go back to your workplace to search for them. If your search fails, you can come back to the apartment, and in the meantime, your housemates will be back as well. 

2. Call the Rental Office 

During the apartment lockout, the best thing to do is to call the rental office. The rental agency representative will have an additional copy of your apartment key, which some people say is the master key. They are also familiar with municipal lockout policies. If this is your first time being locked out of your apartment, you probably won't have to pay any fees. However, if this happens frequently, you might end up being fined. It depends on the policy of the society you live in. You can also call the management to see if they can help you with a replacement key or give you some locksmith recommendations. 

3. Look for a Way Inside 

During lockouts, you must always try to figure out a way to get inside. You can do the following things for this purpose. Check if the window of your apartment is open or not? Check if your apartment has a back door or if there is anything you can use? If you don't want to keep track of your spare keys, you can always look for options to get inside your apartment. However, this won't work if you live in top story units or other units that are difficult to reach. For example, if you live in a building with a balcony on the ground floor a little above the ground, try jumping on it to see the door. If you live in a building with numerous entry points, take the time to consider your options. Find out if you can find the unlocked windows or climb the emergency stairs to see if you can access them. 

4. A Simple Web Search May Help 

You may be able to open the door yourself with your credit card; however, you will still have to follow the correct steps to prevent your credit card from being damaged. Another option is to grab the toolbox and try to remove the doorknob. However, this method should be your last resort as it is not wise to damage your property. If the window has a sliding bar, slide it to see if it's open or not.

5. Call the Locksmith 

If you live alone in an apartment and the rental office is closed as well, and you are left with no other entry options, your best option is to find a locksmith near me. However, it should be kept as a last option to get entry into the apartment. Ensure that the door is not damaged if you live in a rented apartment; otherwise, the amount may be deducted from your deposit. Anyway, if you call a best locksmith to get back access to your apartment, be sure to hire a highly recommended and reputable professional to avoid any kind of door damage.

6. Install Keyless Entry Systems

Modern apartments use a variety of smart devices for security purposes. These include smart locks, which give tenants keyless access to their apartments. You can talk to the management office about the upgrades to your apartment and have them install a keyless entry system.

As you know that it's quite inconvenient to be locked out of your apartment. Although you can call your housemates to help you out, it usually takes time. However, you can follow some other simple ways shared above to gain entry back into your apartment. There are many methods to open a lock on your own, but you must always prioritize hiring a locksmith over them. Furthermore, you must always keep a spare key with you to avoid getting locked out.

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